Category: Dentistry
What Invisalign Offers Wearers
Article By Remarkable Smiles Orthodontics. To many people, Invisalign is the next evolution in dental brace technology. Though it accomplishes the same goal of straightening your teeth, its appearance and convenience feel like a new development in the world of orthodontics. Unlike traditional braces, which are tightened across your teeth, Invisalign clear aligners are inserted…
How to Minimize Discomfort During Dental Cleanings
A dental cleaning can be an appointment that inspires fear or dread depending on how well you’ve taken care of your teeth in the intervening months. Going to the dentist doesn’t have to be scary, says Dr. Sid Solomon. His team offers some important tips patients should be aware of that will make the process…
Cosmetic Dentistry with a Natural Twist
Increasingly, people are searching for natural solutions to their problems that will not introduce toxins into their bodies or their environment. A Glendora holistic dental practice is a dental provider who will approach dentistry in terms of the whole person and their overall health while avoiding the use of materials that may be harmful. If…