Haitians blame fatal crash on U.N. peacekeepers as storm aid anger grows

By Makini Brice LES CAYES (Reuters) – Haitians on Thursday protested against the death of a motorcyclist in an accident they blamed on blue-helmeted peacekeepers, adding to a spate of incidents the United Nations says are affecting delivery of relief after Hurricane Matthew.The category 4 hurricane tore through Haiti on Oct. 4, killing about 1,000 and leaving more than 1.4 million in need of humanitarian aid, including 175,000 made homeless, besides disrupting power, communications and transport links. An international relief effort headed by the Haitian government has accelerated this week, but tempers are running high across the hard-hit southwest because help has yet to reach many families whose crops and water supplies were destroyed, increasing the risk of cholera and malnutrition.

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Haitians blame fatal crash on U.N. peacekeepers as storm aid anger grows