Energy Saving Tips: Air Filters and HVAC Units

Written by: Your Filter Connection

During winter and summer, HVAC units tend to stay on longer than fall or spring. During added uses, everyday residential air filter stop more pollen, dust and everyday smog from entering a home. But these added uses too deplete the long-term effectiveness of a filter, while adding to a higher energy bill. However, extra usage from a unit isn’t always the cause of a higher energy bill; sometimes, it’s caused by a dirty filter, poorly sealed air duct or even an un-tuned HVAC unit.


Change Your Filter Before and After Peak Seasons

You’ll be using your centralized heating system often during winter, and before you do, you’ll want to ensure your furnace filters are new. During peak seasons, the added use clogs all sorts of contaminants, and when a filter becomes cramped with pollen and dust, air cannot flow as effectively. Instead, HVAC units must work harder for air to flow from the system, causing the energy bill to soar. When a filter is regularly changed, at least once every three months or before and after peak seasons according to Energy Star, homeowners can save on their energy bills.


Clean Your Filters—Regularly

Washable filters, unlike electrostatic or fiberglass filters, can be reused. For example, a replacement Honeywell air filter can last a few months longer with a regular washing to remove the trapped waste. But just because the filters are washable, does not mean you can use them for years at a time. No, you still should regularly replace a filter to maximize the use of a device, and to retain the highest air quality inside your home.


Tune your HVAC Unit

HVAC units, like cars, need regular tune-ups to improve their efficiency. Hiring a professional to perform maintenance can clean dirty coils, adjust airflow, and improve the comfort level of your home. Most tune-ups too can help improve the efficiency of a system by up to 15%.


Seal Your Cooling and Heating Ducts

Cooling and heating ducts can cause large amounts of cold and hot air to escape. Keeping them sealed and properly insulated can improve a system’s efficiency by up to 20%. Homeowners should inspect their crawlspace, basement and attic’s ducts first. These areas tend to cause the most common places air can escape from, and a quick patch of the insulation will improve the efficiency of a system while saving you some money on your energy bill.


Bio: Your Filter Connection specializes in replacement air filters for residential or commercial HVAC use.