Rebuilding Your Car’s Driver’s Seat

If you are looking to rebuild your driver’s seat, there are certain aspects that you should be aware of.

car-seatsThere are certain aspects of upholstery seat repair that you should be aware of prior to starting your seat rebuild. Here is a guide that will help you acknowledge some of parts such as repairing the seat frames, cutting the foam padding, and getting it ready for upholstering. Note that during this repair job you will need specific tools in order to complete it.

The “Bare Bones” of the Seat

The seat frame is composed of a mesh of coils and springs that are common in many interior couches and seat backs. If the base platform is broken off, you can easily replace it or take it to a shop to replace. This won’t cost you too much, roughly $25 for a new base. If you do decide to repair it yourself, you will need welding gear to piece it together as well as a rust remover to rid of the decomposition.

Seat Foam

The foam seat may be one of the more difficult replacements due to the type of foam that you’ll need along with placing it back in the base of the chair. Remember, the original factory foam is probably worn out after years of use. Furthermore, it will lose its support and require you to remove all of the padding and replace it with a new block of foam. You can easily order these at an online foam manufacturer that specializes in the products. Once you’ve received your block of foam, you’ll need an electric saw and a tape measure to accurately place the foam back inside the chair itself.

The Foam Factory is a foam manufacturer with decades of experience Whether you need seat foam or other related products, The Foam Factory can help you find what you’re looking for. Visit them online today.